Introducing the Round Spatial Calendar


Apple Vision Pro

A Completely New Timekeeping Experience - coming in 2025


Throughout history mankind observed the nature, followed its cycles and tried to measure time. Many societies had a round perception of time, and so their calendars were depicted in a round form. However, creating a truly feasible calendar in circular shape only became possible with the emergence of digital computers and touchscreen technology, which would enable perpetually traversing the calendar’s timeline in either direction, by spinning its dial.


In 2012 such a calendar was made for the first time by Galilea Team - in the form of an iPhone app CircleTime, which is now available for various Apple devices. The app attracted numerous users across the globe, who have recognized the value of circular time presentation. But although the touchscreen with its many supported gestures enabled unprecedented ways of interaction, it is essentially still a screen, with all the constraints of a physical object.


It is thanks to the revolutionary Apple Vision Pro technology that we can finally take things to the next level - by breaking free from a physical screen and shifting into a captivating spatial computing environment!


Welcome to the future where you’ll be able to experience time tracking like never before!


Galilea Team, January 2024